Andy Opel, Ph.D.
School of Communication
Florida State University

Professional ​
I am a scholar/artist who combines theory and practice, producing work in a variety of media from traditional scholarly journal publications to books, videos, and music.
Professor - School of Communication Florida State University
​2013 - present
I am a Professor and Director of the Media Production Program in the School of Communication at Florida State University where I teach classes in Environmental Communication and Documentary Video Production​​.
Associate Professor - School of Communication
Florida State University
​2007 - 2013
Assistant Professor - School of Communication
Florida State University
Research Assistant - Oregon Research Institute
Worked on a series of grant funded social science research projects. Tasks included data collection for community intervention in teen tobacco use, interviewing for safe sex practices of street youth, telephone surveys, data entry.
Immersive Media Production, Documentary Video Production
Camera/Shooter - Panasonic GH5s, Panasonic DVX200, 360/VR Video Production, InstaPro Titan
Unity Software
Editor - Adobe Premiere, Avid Media Composer
Environmental Communication
Images and the Politics of Visibility
Alternative/Community Media
Click this Icon to view a PDF of my full vita.
2010 - present
2010 - present
Ph.D - Mass Communication
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Dissertation Title: ​Microradio and the FCC: Media Activism and the Struggle Over Broadcast Policy
​Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Jane Brown
Certificate in Cultural Studies
​​MS - Communication
​​​School of Journalism and Communication
University of Oregon
​1996 - 1998
Master's Thesis: Dr. Shipsey and the Cows - a 30-minute video documentary
Thesis Advisor: Carl Bybee
BA, cum laude - Cultural Anthropology
Harvard University
Honors Thesis Title: Speaking Without Tongues: Tradition, Technology and the Yoruba Talking Drum
Thesis Advisor: Victor Manfredi
Refereed Books
Elmer, G., & Opel, A. (2008). Preempting Dissent: The Politics of an Inevitable Future. Arbeiter Ring Press. Winnipeg, Manitoba/Arbeiter Ring Press.
Opel, A. (2004). ). Micro Radio and the FCC: Media Activism and the Struggle Over Broadcast Policy. Westport, CT/Praeger Press.
Edited Books
Opel, A., & Pompper, D. (Eds.). (2003). Representing Resistance: Media, Civil Disobedience and the Global Justice Movement. Westport, CT/Praeger Press.
Children's Books
Opel, A. (2023). THE WEST WIND: A Winnipesaukee Sailing Adventure. Portsmouth, NH: Jetty House.
Opel, A. (2017). THE BOBHOUSE: A Winnipesaukee Christmas. Portsmouth, NH: Jetty House.
Opel, A. (2015). THE MANSION: An Old Winnipesaukee Mystery. Portsmouth, NH: Jetty House.
Opel, A. (2013). THE WEIRS: A Winnipesaukee Adventure. Jetty House, Peter E. Randall Publisher.
Opel, A. (2011) THE WITCHES: A Winnipesaukee Adventure. Jetty House, Peter E. Randall Publisher. (Winner, Best Children's Book, New England Book Festival, 2011).
Invited Journal Articles
Opel, A. R. (2020). Strategies and Tactics for Interdisciplinary Experiential Environmental Education and Digital Media Production. Journal of Sustainability Education, 23.
Opel, A., Johnston, J., & Wilk, R. (2010). Food, Culture and the Environment: Communicating About What We Eat. Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature and Culture, 4(3), 251-254.
Refereed Journal Articles
Garcia, C., & Opel, A. (submitted). Manufacturing Scents: Unveiling the Mediated Nature of Scent-Based Communication. Media, Culture and Society. Manuscript submitted for publication, 27 pages.
Ferraro, A., Oehme, K., Bruker, M., Arpan, L., & Opel, A. (2018). The Impact of Training Videos on Attitudes About Parenting After Divorce. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 59(7), 590-600. doi:10.1080/10502556.2018.1466253
Ferraro, A., Malespin, T., Oehme, K., Bruker, M., & Opel, A. (2016). Advancing Co-parenting Education: Toward a Foundation for Supporting Positive Post-Divorce Adjustment. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 10(1), 1-9. doi:10.1007/s10560-016-0440-x
Arpan, L., Opel, A., & Lu, J. (2013). Motivating the Skeptical and Unconcerned: Considering Values, Worldviews, and Norms When Framing Messages Encouraging Energy Conservation and Efficiency Behaviors. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 12(3), 207-219.
Proffitt, J., Opel, A., & Gaccione, J. (2009). Taking Root in the Sunshine State: The Emergence of the Media Reform Movement in the State of Florida. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 33(4), 318-336.
Opel, A. (2008). From Water Crisis to Water Culture: An Interview with Vandana Shiva. Cultural Studies, 22(2-3), 497-507.
Opel, A. (2006). Corporate Culture Keeps Nature Regular: Super-Citizens, Media and the 'Metamucil and Old Faithful' Ad. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 17(3), 100-113.
Elmer, G., & Opel, A. (2006). Surviving the Inevitable Future: Preemption in the Age of Faulty Intelligence. Cultural Studies, 20(4-5), 477-492.
Opel, A., & Templin, R. (2005). Is Anybody Reading This? Indymedia and Internet Traffic Reports. Transformations, 10, 20.
Special issue on alternative media.
Opel, A. (2005). Paradise Lost I & II: Documentary, Gothic and the Monster of Justice. eJumpcut, 47, 32.
Reprinted and Translated into Greek, Program for the Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival (2008).
Opel, A., & Smith, J. (2004). ZooTycoon: Capitalism, Nature and the Pursuit of Happiness. Ethics and the Environment, 9(2), 103-120.
Opel, A. (1999). Constructing Purity: Bottled Water and The Commodification of Nature. Journal of Amrican Culture, 22(4), 67-76.
Reprinted (2008) in Cultural Studies: An Anthology, M. Ryan Ed., Blackwell Publishing.
Invited Book Chapters
Opel, A. (2023). Cultural Representations of the Environment Beyond Mainstream Media. In Anders Hansen, & Robert Cox (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication, 2nd Edition (pp. 356-364). London.
Opel, A. (2016). Media Coverage of Protests. In K. Fahlenbrach, M. Klimke, and J. Scharloth (Ed.), Protest Cultures: A Companion, Volume 1: Pragmatics of Protest. New York/Oxford Press.
Opel, A. (2015). Cultural representations of the environment beyond mainstream media. In Cox, R., Hansen, A. (Ed.), The Handbook of Environment and Communication. Routledge Press.
Elmer, G., & Opel, A. (2013). Preemption, Premediation, Prediction: The Politics of Betting on the Future. In Kelly Gates (Ed.), Media Studies Futures. Oxford, England/John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Rice, R. E., Opel, A., Meisner, M., Depoe, S., Roser-Renouf, C., & Shome, D. (2012). Environmental Communication and Media: Centers, Programs and Resource. In Steve Jones (Ed.), Communication @ The Center. NY/Hampton Press.
Elmer, G., & Opel, A. (2011). Pre-empting Panoptic Surveillance: Surviving the Inevitable War on Terror. In David Lyon (Ed.), Theorizing Surveillance: The Panopticon and Beyond (pp. 139-159). Cullompton, UK/Willan Publishing.
Refereed Book Chapters
Opel, A. (2002). Monopoly, The National Parks Edition: Reading Neo-Liberal Simulacra. In Mark Meister, & Phyllis Japp (Eds.), Enviropop: Studies in Environmental Rhetoric and Popular Culture (pp. 31-44). Westport, CT/Greenwood Press.
Invited Encyclopedia Entries
Opel, A. (2010). Low Power FM Radio in the U.S. In John Downing (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Movement Media. Thousand Oaks, CA/Sage Publications.
Opel, A. (2008). Constructing Purity: Bottled Water and The Commodification of Nature. In Michael Ryan (Ed.), Cultural Studies: An Anthology. London/Blackwell Publishing.
reprint of 1999 article.
Opel, A. (2006). Community Radio. In C. Sterling and D.C. Whitney (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Journalism. Thousand Oaks, CA/Sage Publications.
Refereed Proceedings
Jensen, F., Nordberg, O., Opel, A., & Nyre, L. (2023). Students Take Charge of Climate Communication. In Dang-Nguyen, D. et. al. (Ed.), MultiMedia Modeling 29th International Conference, MMM 2023, Bergen, Norway, January 9–12, 2023 (pp. 729-735). Springer.
Invited Reviews
Opel, A. (2016). How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can't Change Directed by Josh Fox (Review). Environment, Space, Place, 8(2).
Opel, A. (2009). Review of Democratic Communications: Formations, Projects and Possibilities. Democratic Communique, 23(1).
Opel, A. (2007). Structural Change? Environmental Documentary and Globa lization. [Review of the films Darwin's Nightmare and Who Killed the Electric Car]. Environmental Communication, 1(1).
Opel, A. (2007). Review of Global Citizens: Social Movements and the Challenge of Globalization by Marjorie Mayo. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 3(2).
Opel, A. (2004). Review of Beyond Ideology: A Case for Egalitarian Bias in the News, by Reginald Ecarma. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(1).
Opel, A. (2004). Review of Communication, Media, and American Society: A Critical Introduction by Daniel W. Rossides. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 81(1).
Creative Works
Original Creative Works
Scripts or Screenplays
Opel, A. (Writer). The End of the Ride [Narrative Feature].
• Semi-finalist in the Lonestar Screenplay Competition, 1998.
• Quarter-finalist in the Empire Screenplay Competition, 1998.
Chassignet, E., Opel, A., Weir, I. E., & Ippolito, T. (Writer/Producer). (2023). Marine Debris: Introduction to Marine Debris [Documentary Short]. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Science on a Sphere. Retrieved from
Chassignet, E., Opel, A., Weir, I. E., & Ippolito, T. (Writer/Producer). (2023). Marine Debris: Global Marine Debris Model [Documentary Short]. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Science on a Sphere. Retrieved from
Opel, A. (Executive Producer). (2018). Stories From the Apalachicola: A Threatened River [Documentary]. WFSU-TV. Retrieved from
* Premiered on WFSU-TV on 10/25/2018 at 8pm.
Elmer, G., & Opel, A. (Co-Director). (2014). Preempting Dissent [Documentary]. Toronto, CA, Infoscape Labs. Retrieved from
Invited Screenings:
SALT, Istanbul, Turkey, 11/28/2013
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, 01/15/2014
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, 02/25/2014
Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK, 03/17/2014
Cardiff University, School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies, Cardiff, UK, 03/18/2014
University of Salford, Manchester, UK, 03/19/2014
Goldsmiths College, University of London, London, UK, 03/20/2014
Dalhousie Architecture School, Halifax, UK, 04/03/2014
University of Washington Bothell, 05/21/2014
CSI- 215 Spadina Ave, Toronto, CA Sponsored by 07/10-2014
Mayfair Theater, Ottawa, CA, 09/08/2014
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 10/09/2014
Competitive Screenings
Action on Film Festival, Los Angeles, CA 08/30/2014 (Kelley Thomas, Best Social Commentary Documentary Award Winner)
Unspoken Human Rights Film Festival, Utica, NY, 10/03/2014
Social Justice Film Festival, Seattle, WA 10/20/2014
Media Democracy Days, Vancouver, BC, 11/07/2014.
Opel, A. (Director). (2012). BEATING JUSTICE: The Martin Lee Anderson Story [Documentary].
A one hour documentary about a 14-year old boy who was beaten and died in a Florida sheriff's "boot camp."
Competitive Screenings and Awards:
• Screened at the Eugene International Documentary Film Festival, October 19, 2012
• Screened at the DocUtah International Documentary Film Festival, Sept. 5-9, 2012
• Screened at the Chagrin Documentary Film Festival, October 3-7, 2012
• Winner - Best Social Issue Documentary.
• Screened at the Fort Myers Beach Film Festival, April 28, 2012
• Screened at the Florida Film Festival, April 22, 2012
• Screened at the Tallahassee Film Festival, April 9, 2011.
• Screened at the University Film and Video Association Conference, August 3, 2011.
• Platinum Award, Empixx Film and Video Awards, 2011
Opel, A., Nudd, D., & Galloway, T. (Director). (2010). Tough [Documentary]. University of Chicago Press.
6 minute video collage 1of performance art piece by Terry Galloway, Produced Donna Nudd and Directed by Opel and Galloway. Video Production by Opel. Included in a DVD companion to the book Gay Shame, edited by David Halperin and Valerie Traub, University of Chicago Press 2010.
Opel, A. (Director). (2008). 9 Sustainability Public Service Announcements [Public Service Announcements].
Opel, A. (Director). (2006). The Cargo Bike [Narrative Short].
23 minute eco-horror-comedy short. Screenings:
• Mickee Faust Clubhouse, Tallahassee, FL, January 2006
• Critical Mass Screening, Carrboro, NC, May 2006
Opel, A., & Ellison, A. (Co-Director/Producer). (2003). Precogs and Preemption: Minority Report and The Bush Doctrine [Documentary].
Competitive Screenings:
• Florida State University Literature and Film Conference, February, 2003.
• Console-ing Passions Conference, New Orleans, LA, May, 2004.
Opel, A. (Director/Producer). (2000). Power [Documentary].
Competitive Screenings:
• Duke University Film and Video Documentary Happening, Durham, NC. February 2000.
Opel, A. (Director/Producer). (1998). Dr. Shipsey and The Cows [Documentary].
Competitive Screenings:
• First Place winner in the student competition at the Marco Island Film Festival, Marco Island, FL. $1,000 cash prize. Oct. 1998.
• Fort Worth Film Festival, Fort Worth, TX, Oct. 1998.
• Duke University Film and Video Documentary Happening, Durham, NC, Jan. 1999.
and Grants
Kehoe, K., Opel, A., & Robeson, K. (Jan 2023–May 2023). Rooting and Branching Project. Funded by Green Fund, FSU. Total award $1,000.
The Rooting and Branching Project is a cross-disciplinary multi-class initiative led by three faculty to support students in creating a site-specific augmented reality public art project that highlights sustainable infrastructure on campus.
Opel, A. (May 2022–May 2024). Claude Pepper Documentary: Bipartisan Problem Solving. Funded by Claude Pepper Foundation. Total award $55,000.
Opel, A. R. (Apr 2022–Dec 2022). Expand student access to 3-D scanners. Funded by Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee. (182000-545-101209). Total award $27,000.
Opel, A., & Burdick, A. (Aug 2021–May 2022). Portable Immersive Media Technology. Funded by Equipment and Infrastructure Enhancement Grant (EIEG) program, FSU. Total award $85,674.
7 meter portable projection dome and InstaPro Titan 360 Camera.
Chassignet, E., & Opel, A. R. (May 2021–May 2022). Marine debris model data visualization on Science. Funded by National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA). (0000070800). Total award $50,000.
Create a series of videos for Science on a Sphere about the marine debris model developed by scientists at COAPS.
Opel, A. R., & Weir, I. (Feb 2020–Sep 2020). Climate Witness Project: Cinematic Productions. Funded by Council on Research and Creativity, Florida State University. Total award $3,000.
Opel, A. R. (May 2019–Jun 2020). Climate Witness Project: Documentary Narratives, Science, and Immersive Journalism. Funded by Arts and Humanities Program Enhancement Grant (AHPEG), Council on Research and Creativity. Total award $19,416.
Opel, A. (Oct 2017–Oct 2018). Apalachicola River: Stories From the River. Funded by Florida Humanities Council. Total award $5,000. Grant funded to Apalachicola Riverkeeper, written by myself and Georgia Ackerman to fund the completion of 1 hour documentary about the river, in partnership with WFSU-TV.
Oehme, K., Simpson, J., Bruker, M., & Opel, A. (Oct 2014–May 2017). Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce. Funded by FSU Foundation Grant. Total award $250,000.
Yong, T., Zhu, Y., Cartes, D., Tolone, W., Khee Poh Lam, & Opel, A. R., et. al (Network Contributor). (Sep 2013–Aug 2018). Predictive Modeling Network for Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (SHBE). Funded by National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network--Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability. (1338851). Total award $652,846.
Opel, A. (May 2013–May 2014). Post Production Preempting Dissent Documentary Project. Funded by Council on Research and Creativity, FSU. Total award $10,000.
Opel, A. (PI), & Arpan, L. M. (May 2013–Aug 2013). Proterra Electric Bus Project. Funded by Center for Transportation and the Enviro. (None). Total award $15,725.
Opel, A. (PI), & Arpan, L. M. (Sep 2012–Jun 2013). Public Service Announcement (Heat-Related Illnesses). Funded by Florida Department of Health. (A6767E). Total award $3,360.
Opel, A. (Jul 2012–Dec 2012). Marketing "Beating Justice". Funded by FSU Council on Research and Creativity. Total award $3,000.
Opel, Andrew R (PI). (Feb 2012–Jun 2012). Public Service Announcement (Asthma). Funded by Florida Department of Health. (A53EF3). Total award $3,360.
Opel, A. (Jan 2012–May 2012). Conference Travel Grant. Funded by Provost's Faculty Travel Grant. Total award $450.
Opel, Andrew R (PI). (Jan 2012–Jun 2012). Public Service Announcement (Environmental Public Health. Funded by Florida Department of Health. (A4CD9B). Total award $3,360.
Opel, A., & Arpan, L. (Sep 2011–Jun 2012). Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Asthma Trigger Awareness PSAs. Funded by Florida Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health. Total award $7,000.
Opel, A. (Jan 2011–May 2011). Conference Travel Grant. Funded by Provost's Faculty Travel Grant. Total award $450.
Opel, A., & Arpan, L. (Jan 2011–Sep 2011). Air Quality Alert System PSAs. Funded by Florida Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health. Total award $5,200.
Opel, A. (Jan 2010–May 2010). Conference Travel Grant. Funded by Provost's Faculty Travel Grant. Total award $450.
Elmer, G., & Opel, A. (May 2009–May 2013). Preempting Dissent: Policing The Crisis. Funded by Canadian Social Science and Humanities Council. Total award $149,000.
Opel, A. (Jan 2009–Dec 2010). Energy Efficiency PSAs. Funded by Institute for Energy Systems, Economics and Sustainability. Total award $249,800.
Opel, A., & Nudd, D. M. (Sep 2008–Dec 2009). Workshops on Creative Projects, Ethics and Human Subjects. Funded by Committee on Ethics in Research and Creative Activity. Total award $10,000.
Opel, A. (May 2008–Sep 2009). Post-production on "BEATING JUSTICE". Funded by Committee on Faculty Research Support (COFRS). Total award $13,000.
Opel, A. (Jan 2007–Dec 2007). Service Learning Program Grant. Funded by Campus Sustainability Initiative. Total award $5,000.
Opel, A. (Jan 2007–May 2007). Conference Travel Grant. Funded by Provost's Faculty Travel Grant. Total award $450.
Opel, A. (Jan 2005–May 2005). Conference Travel Grant. Funded by Provost's Faculty Travel Grant. Total award $450.
Opel, A. (Jan 2004–Dec 2004). Social Movements and the Environment Documentaries. Funded by Senate Library Committee Primary Resource Grant. Total award $4,000.
Opel, A. (Jan 2004–May 2004). Conference Travel Grant. Funded by Provost's Faculty Travel Grant. Total award $450.
Opel, A. (Jan 2003–May 2003). Conference Travel Grant. Funded by Provost's Faculty Travel Grant. Total award $450.
Opel, A. (May 2002–Sep 2002). The Student Anti-Sweatshop Movement on University Campuses. Funded by First Year Assistant Professor Award:. Total award $10,000.
Opel, A. (Jan 2002–May 2002). Conference Travel Grant. Funded by Provost's Faculty Travel Grant. Total award $450.
Opel, A. (Sep 2000–Jun 2001). Micro Radio and Media Activism Research. Funded by Eli S. Rubenstein Dissertation Research Grant. Total award $2,000.
Opel, A. R. (Jun 1985–Sep 1985). Nigeria Travel and the Yoruba Talking Drum. Funded by the Committee on African Studies at Harvard University. Total award $1,600.